Monday, 29 April 2013

Fresh Catch!

I love the musical knocking sound of bamboo wind chimes. Back when I lived in England, I bought some at the market in Camden Town and have hung them at five different addresses since. I finally had to find a replacement after they got beat up in this winter's icy winds, and it wasn't easy. Most of the ones in Halifax shops are mass-produced, flimsy things. But kijiji saved the day. Look what I found! A gigantic carved wood and bamboo work of art...

This heavy sucker is 35" head to tail!

The woman who sold it to me said she bought it at a yard sale in Edmonton and hung it up back home in Hubbards. Now that she lives in the city, she hasn't got a place for it, and is happy it's returning to the water. It's funny how objects can adopt a kind of personality.  He looks happy, doesn't he? I already find myself saying hello to him in the morning.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Giant Sunflowers - Week One

Now that the spring breezes have melted all the snow, we've been thinking about starting a vegetable garden. I've never planted anything in my life (hell, I've never had a yard before
so I'm testing my prowess on sunflowers. I decided to start the seedlings indoors and they sprouted within a few days. Apparently these babies can grow up to 14 ft. and now I'm worried I may have started them too soon. I can't safely transfer them outside until after last frost in early June, and at this rate, they'll be busting out of their pots before then!

When I woke up a few mornings ago and saw green, I screamed my head off. "Don't you think there's something inherently creepy about plants?" I said to S.B.

He patted my shoulder and sighed, "City girls." 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Weekend Project: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Step 1: Buy an outdated old mirror. This heavy bastard was $10 at Salvation Army.

Step 2: Clean it, sand it, update it with a fresh coat of paint in a modern colour.


Et voilà !